Me And Pewds.exe

Jantember 45, 1967
I was on my computer L8 at night watching Pewdipie's Skate 3 videos. Suddenly, a pop-up happened and it said, "Good New Fun Happy Play Super Mario 3D Party World 5, Good Condition, $5!" It seemed legit so I clicked it. It gave me a number to call, I did and Brad Pitt answered, "You would like game?", he asked in a soothing tone. "F*ck you, game plz!", I said. Then, a hand reached out of the phone and reached in to my pocket. "There should be good enough money in heeere.", he whispered softly. He grabbed my wallet and took it back in to the phone. Freddy Fazbear came in to my room and threw the game at me. It hit me in the head leaving a huge bump. On thw way out, he threw my dog at a plane. It was getting too spooky for me, so I went to bed with the game in my arms. The next morning, I put the game in my X-Station 64 Apple Mega Drive. The letters on the title screen said, "LIVE"! I used my Shreklock Holmes skills and putted it backedards. "EVIL?!", me exclaimed loudly.
Jantember 47, 1967
I was stuffing my mouth with bubble gum, (trying to choke myself to death), when I decided to play the game from the day before that had Mario and sh*t. But before I could shove in the game, I had been called! My phone went,'BRINGA DONG DING!". I picked it up, it was guy who selled me game with Mario and sh*t! "GAME IS EVIL! IT KILLED MY SON!", he yelled, then static. I dud not played game tooday.
Jantember 48, 1967
I had much good courage to play game tooday! I turned on console and played game. Title screen was much goodness and normality! I clicked, "PLAY NEW GAME, B*TCH!". Game had start. Sanic was standing there as in any normal Mario game snd he licked his armpit. "UR 2 SLOW!", he much screamed and then static. I reset game and it showed bloody Sanic and bloody Shrek and bloody Timmy Turner and bloody Apple Jack and bloody Toboscus! I had been panic! Much screams from game happendd upon my buttox!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!
Jantember 49, 1967
I turned on game, it was same as reel game! I had much of fun and gayms! But, Suddenly, Pewds popped out and we played together and had sleep over! Then I died and wrote this story.